
The purpose of The Lollypop Principle (TLP) is essentially to offer guidance.

It occurred to me that we learn primarily through observation. As infants we have no grasp of words, therefore we have no knowledge. One may say that our minds are a series of images, like snapshots of experience which are necessary for our outward survival. It is only as we grow that we begin to learn words to accompany the images and before long, words become the definition of the image. At this stage we no longer have to experience anything in order to have an image imprinted into our minds, as the way that we are educated provides us with images to accompany the words we learn.

What all this means is that words replace the experience as the primary method of learning and with this in mind, we become open to the power of suggestion which in a sense is hypnosis. Although this to some may seem quite far-fetched, the fact is that there are many things that most of us have never been in direct contact with or had any experience of whatsoever, but because we have an image in our mind and a label to accompany it, the mere suggestion of the label, be it good or bad, can have an effect on us psychologically, culminating in physical experience through emotional reaction.

The significance of TLP is that it draws upon our most authentic and direct approach to learning which is observation. In truth, to be told something is not learning at all, it is merely gathering information, and we must consider that words have not been around as long as the human being, seeing as they are an invention of mankind. This being the case, words, although useful, have limited use and to be completely dependent on them makes us limited beings.

With all this being said, it would therefore be foolish to think of TLP as anything other than a guidance tool. Something that may point you in a certain direction and should you choose to follow that direction, then the guidance tool must subsequently be put aside, like following an arrow by the roadside. It would be completely nonsensical to take the arrow with you! Simply following its’ direction should prove to be enough.

Although TLP consists of the Yin-Yang graphic as well as other featured embellishments, it may surprise you to learn that the most important feature is the blank space that surrounds it. One may refer to the space as the blank canvas, onto which the image appears. The simple fact is that without a blank canvas, there is no picture, and this is true for reality as a whole, however it’s unlikely that we will look at reality as an image on a canvas. The truth is we have learned to think of the image as being all there is, therefore what, if anything, is behind the image is given no consideration. Instead, we probe, analyse, search, dissect and believe all that our five senses rest upon within the image, as interpreted by our educated minds.

TLP reveals a complete view of the image rather than parts. Simply put, the Yin-Yang, which is referred to as The Field, and the red, amber and green rings (Growth Rings) that are placed over the top represent what we have come to know as reality and for us all as individuals, we each view reality in many different ways. All of the elements over the top of The Field have different meanings that reflect our journey through life, while the straight line that protrudes from the centre of The Field, intersecting the Growth Rings and ending in the empty space is referred to as The Path, and this represents spiritual awakening. The Path connects the centre of The Field with the blank canvas, which is referred to as The Source and is represented by the zero at the end of The Path. This basically means if we return our attention and awareness inwards, we eventually realise our centre which is not a part of but is the substrate of existence as a whole. In this realisation, the whole picture, which is The Field representing the whole universe, comes into view, and this is what I refer to as a Source perspective. The zero that represents The Source in the image symbolises being without image, and that which is without image is beyond the concept of birth and death, therefore, Eternal.